Investigating the Trash Heap that is the douche-fuck, steroid chugging, centrist bait for unfunny fuck bois at open mics, piece of shit Joe Rogan with no ad-hominems (toward Joe Rogan) except the title where I get to berate his stupid fucking face.
Ad-hominem. In philosophy and debate it is told to us that as soon as you use an Ad-hominem you lose the argument. The theory is as soon as you get into name-calling you become too passionate with hate or distaste that your stand-points fall apart because they are based in anger. You can have an argument solid with foundations, truths, and thought out research but as soon as you call someone a poopy head you lose. You get nothing. Good day sir. I personally think this old standpoint is invalid as a passionate argument coming out of the mouth of someone who isn’t a robot has more umph to it. But this is the driving force of these kind of argument freelancers. With the title out of the way that clearly shows I lose, I present the rest of this article that hurt me and I’ll show you on the doll.
Let’s begin by explaining what a Joe Rogan is. A Joe Rogan is a 51 yr. Comedian, MMA Commentator, Actor, and Podcast Guru. He has a high ranking podcast with a very impressive record of being no. 1 or in the top 5 on Itunes and several other podcast streaming sites continuously for years. On his podcast he goes into depth with interviews with people of all different walks of life ranging from angry white guys to angrier white guys. To his credit, I’m only 80% jesting. To his credit he is a good interviewer for the type of podcast he is presenting. He’s had some interviews that made me see perceived monsters as human and golden gods as flawed specimens. In the rare times I’ve checked out his podcast, his interview with fucking angry red-tinted moron and fuck face Alex Jones (see title) actually had Alex Jones out-of-character and being a fairly down-to-earth alright guy. Until he called liberals pyschic vampires (, but I imagine doing a show like InfoWars will irreparably have long lasting side effects.
As does doing The Joe Rogan Experience. Joe Rogan is very into hallucinogens and will appear on his show stoned numerous times, more than not. He talks about their mental health benefits and existential properties that have helped him and recommends them to his guests, audience, and everyone in the world essentially. I am very in favor of the good hallucinogens do and support that narrative. He even talks about the benefits of a deprivation tank which I want to try for myself and encourage anyone to as well. However, the goal of most “trips” is to destroy your own ego and perceived world view so as to attain a higher plateau of thought. Joe ignores that side of the journey and with child-like wonder just says “whoa dude”. I mean, it is pretty “whoa dude”, but that’s not the end goal of those journeys. You want to come out changed, your perspective advanced, and less depressed. Joe fails to go past the “oh shiny” phase of trippy drugs, even DMT and Ayahuasca which puts most people on their ass and forever humbled to reality. His blasé approach to taking “whoa dude” drugs has even lead to him emboldening contrarian, damaging viewpoints.
Joe Rogan is essentially a libertarian,although if asked he says he is not affiliated with any political party. This stance is held-up by many of his viewers/listeners and is basically the “well I’m not them” argument. It’s having your cake and giving it to the 1%. That stance makes him and many with this worldview, see themselves as bullet-proof and hyperbolic Supermans who can give a platform to any sort of ideological monstrosity because “well I’m not them”, “whoa dude”, or “I don’t know about all of that.” Interviewing Milo Yolopoopmouse (read YolilelaleeTrump) and “hearing him out” as he talks about “Daddy Trump”( calling out Milo’s fascist viewpoints only makes more Milo YugiOh!cards. This is where Joe gains so many followers. Joe Rogan, who “doesn’t affilate with any political party” finds himself emboldening centrists.
Centrism is the agnosticism of politics with much more dangerous, physical, and desperate real world applications. Agnostics question, compare and contrast while Centrists, at least of late, are just stirring up ill-will and trying to come out of as the better person. The “I don’t give a shit” approach to something like an existential question of God ultimately doesn’t have nearly the same impact of seeing an Anti-Fa Militant and a Proud Boy fighting with the response “both sides are bad.” Fence sitting on God, fine. Fence sitting on the abject horror of quickly rising fascist dictatorship, not fine. Very not fine. One of the least fine things you can be doing in this or any other year.
This centrism has found him an allegiance of militant fans who take what he says and doesn’t say to the extremes. Because Joe is so dismissive or non-argumentative with the ideologues he brings on his show it empowers his viewers/listeners to continue their movements. Joe may hate Trump like any other breathing person with a speck of human decency, but he has Trump fans who have more blood push into their sexual organs when Alex Jones and Milo are guests. Joe may hate racism, but “hearing out” a radical racist gives entitlement to NRA supporters who have wet dreams of home invasions. Joe may think you need to get laid, but having an Incel rant about outright misogyny leads to an asexual self-made eunuch plot his revenge. Take a fucking stand is what I’m saying. Just because you yell a lot on your show doesn’t mean you’re arguing.
I avoid arguing about Joe Rogan as much as I can, however, I am a comedian as well. I go to open mics regularly, get booked on shows, and want to basically not work so I do comedy. I’ve been doing it for over 4 years now, and I love every moment of it. No surprise, when I first got into comedy I found Joe Rogan endearing and “sticking it to the soy boy beta cucks” (that exact term is from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Obviously 4 years ago it wasn’t really around but I’d be sure to say that phrase if it existed back then). But as with numerous examples in this article and more I can’t type as my eye is already twitching enough, I found definite faults with Joe and didn’t see him as the hilarious contrarian I once did.
Because I realized he’s not even contrarian, he’s opinion-lite. He’s centrist. He’s straw man argument. If this or the rest of this article (obviously disregarding the title) feel ad-hominem now, my only excuse is I’m not very good at this and this is my first time writing one of these articles in several years. Something that makes me chuckle to this day was a clueless, middle-aged guy trying comedy for his first time. He came up to the deck, trying to bond, form a connection with us. His opening remarks were “Wow, Joey Coco Diaz and Joe Rogan are here on the same night! HOW DO I CHOOSE?” which didn’t lead to the glad-handing and praise he wanted but a quick “Joey Diaz” from most of the deck. We returned to staring at our phones and avoiding eye contact with each other. We’re comics, we’re anti-social weirdos who want to be loved by strangers but only when we have a mic in our hands. He felt crushed while simultaneously thinking we don’t like comedy, which is only true of most of us.
If you want the anger and passion you hear from Joe Rogan but with a punch and bravado I suggest Doug Stanhope. Doug Stanhope “doesn’t give a shit” but he has real umph and vigor. He has a contrarian viewpoint to almost anything, is hyperbolic, and hypocritical. He’s everything Joe Rogan wants to be but far more in-depth, entertaining, and outright funny. Contrarian and definitely not a centrist trying to hide centrism with yelling and looking cool. Now if you excuse me I have to run away from these new comics.