Yell at Joe

Kyle Hopkins
3 min readDec 15, 2020



The constants experienced in America are numerous and cyclical. Traditions that are as guaranteed as divorce and Blockbuster. Seems kind of harsh, but Blockbuster’s demise is a promise of innovation and late stage capitalism. The next Blockbuster, along with several companies that will fold every year, will eventually be voting for old white guys for President. It’ll be painfully slow and irritating, however it will come. Then we can finally yell at a woman for bad praxis.

Meanwhile, we do have our first female VP. She’s a cop, she’s not any kind of “Marxist-Commie-Fascist-Maoist-Socialist-CatWoman” or whatever garbled word salad conservatives yell about, with a complete ignorance to any of those words definitions or blatant dissonance to each other. She’s here for the status quo and so is Joe. I enjoy seeing a woman become the first VP, I enjoy the President once again not being a blatant blood-thirsty lumbering fart beast. Joe is still those things, he just has enough experience in politics to hide it. People in politics are sociopathic, dead-eyed soulless goons, even the ones I like. It’s a requirement.

As a sociopathic, soulless goon myself with a slight glimmer of hope in my eyes, because I haven’t gotten big enough for it to burn out yet, I understand this. This is what we cycled through our nationwide flirtation with fascism, to the new age of the same old. The tradition we’ll be continuing is yelling at the President. We’ll yell, bite, kick, scream, tantrum, and continually pee our pants until our President does fucking anything. I’m talking directly to my fellow socialist/lefty folks. We have to make this geriatric, useless, stupid jackass do anything good.

We’ve been yelling for years, decades, hell, the beginning of the country being formed on the blood of slaves and the Americans that were already here. It’s only just now sinking in that maybe they should listen to us a little. Right now it’s scraps. It’s concessions, attaboys, and pats on the head. It’s a far cry from what it was, and during a democrat presidency we need to get even louder. I’m fully endorsing abusively yelling at an elderly man. He wanted the stupid fucking job, he signed up for this.

Protest louder and more often, I’ll be there with you. For now we’re going to have to deal with Joe and Co. trying to ignore the progressive voices, but we won’t shut up. My strategy is basically an autistic (don’t worry, I’m loaded with the Asperger's) tantrum till we all get McDonalds (healthcare, okay McDonalds was a bad example). Conservatives will say we’re crybabies as it’s one of their extremely limited list of insults, but they can’t say shit anymore. Countless years on record, amplified by the last four nullifies these fucks disdain. Failed coups, war-boners, hypocrisy, etc. and actively protecting their biggest infant who was their goddamn boss. Sorry you guys couldn’t install a dictator, such a shame. Fuck outta here, hate you motherfuckers, never let em’ live it down. Fuck Democrats too, status-quo loving, also war-bonery, hypocritical bitches.

Anyways, I got a little sidetracked there. In between the yelling at an old man, I’ll be grounding myself down and pretending occasionally to not be bloodthirsty and insane under a thin veneer of transparent calmness to present established beliefs and how they are beneficial for society. My spark will die slower as I see small victories over time, occasionally bringing some illumination in the form of actual hope. Watching the Blockbuster of the same-old collapse finally, and divorcing from the old conventions. Let’s go yell at an old man.



Kyle Hopkins
Kyle Hopkins

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